Friday, November 5, 2010


for my butterlys wings i made the top half out of an elipse and then made a copy of it and flipped it then put it under the top half. the inside of my wings were reshaped elipses. for my flower i made four different elipses and reshaped them and made them reallt long then i coppied alot of them and just rotated them and changed the colors.


for my cornucopia i used a lot of elipses and reshaped all of them and went them go from big to little. then my corn was a whole bunch of little elipses reshaped and so were my grapes. My pear, apple, carrots, squash, and pumpkin were all reshaped elipses.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


WATER: To make this i got a rectangle and gave it the ripples effect. then i got an elipse and reshaped the top to make it look like a rain drop. then i got another elipse and reshaped it to look like the splash of a previous water drop going up.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fire/Pumpkin Project

To make my fire i took a round rectangle and made it orange. Then i took the reshape area tool and reshaped the top to where it looked like flames. Then i made multiple copies of it untill it covered the whole canvas. After that i made the canvas red and also added a red glow to the fire.
To make my pumpkin i used five different elipses and reshaped them useing the subselect arrow. Then for the eyes i used stars and i changed the roundness to where they looked like pentagons. For the mouth i used an elipse and i used the freeform tool to make it look zig-zaggy. For my stem i used a rounded rectangle and reshaped it. For my leaves i made stars and used the subselect tool to move the points up like leaves. and i made them al different colors. For my background i used the starbust effect.

Friday, October 8, 2010


 EMOTION: Confusion
To make this i used five rectangles and used the ripples effect to fill it. After i did that i just changed the colors and added some too.

To make this i used a rectangle with the elipse fill and made the colors sky blue, yellow, and white. After that i moved the effect up to where it looked like a halo and it reminded me of hope.
 EMOTION: Horror/Fear
To make this i made a rectangle with the wave fill and made it look like a sound wave so it looked like screams.

EMOTION: Relaxed/Serene
To make this i used the elipse and gave it an elipse fill with blues and pink. then i gave it a gaussian blur which made it look how it dose

To make this i used a whole bunch of elipses and gave them a ripples fill with bright colors, which made it look happy and bubbly.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Design Principles

Symmetry: A good example of horizontal, diagonal, and vertical symmetry would be this picture.
You can fold it in half diagonaly, verticaly, and horizontaly, and it would all be even.
Asymmetrical: Is when you cut sumething i half but its not even, in better words "irregular in shape or outline."
Radial Symmetry: This is when something is symmetrical around an axis, like a circle.

Lines are used in many ways, they can be used to show symmetry or they can be used to make things stand out more. By using straight lines or rounded lines objects can pop out more in a three dimentional way like this picture.

 Color Definitions:
Hue- Another word for color.
Chroma- The Purity of a color.
Tint- A color diluted with white.
Tone- A color with gray.
Shade- A color with black.
Contrast- Opposite colors.
Analogous- Colors with like properties.
Complementary Colors- Colors that look good together.

You can use colors to enhance the design and make things pop.
Good graphic design is being able to use all the things above without making things look obnoxious.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Name Plates

 This is my first name plate where I used the rounded rectangle and put a outer bevel on it set to ripple. On my name i also used the same outer bevel and ripple effect.

This is my second name plate where I used the elipse tool and i gave it a toothpaste border and I gave my name a outer bevel.

This is my 3rd name plate and I used a rectangle with a cross hatch background and a glow outline. on my name I put another outer bevel and made it black.